Common Cold or Something More? Recognizing Symptoms in Children

Common Cold or Something More? Recognizing Symptoms in Children

The Child and Adolescent Clinic team sees many illnesses in children. Since your child’s immune system is still developing, they are prone to germs as they build up resistance. However, while children can often get colds, sometimes the illness is more serious. When you suspect acute illness in Vancouver, WA, and Longview, WA, seek medical care immediately.

What Are Signs of a Common Cold?

When your little one has a common cold, they will usually have a runny or stuffy nose. They will likely complain of a sore throat and a cough, especially at night. You'll notice they have a mild fever and may feel fatigued. Some children may also have watery eyes. The average amount of time for a cold to run its course is about a week but it can go up to two weeks in children.

Prevent colds from becoming a regular occurrence by encouraging frequent handwashing as young as possible. Teach them to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth, especially around other children. Feed them a balanced diet,  encourage regular physical activity, and ensure regular sleep to build immunity.

What Are Symptoms of More Serious Illness in Children?

Your child may have something more serious than a typical cold or flu. Signs of more acute illness in Vancouver, WA, and Longview, WA, usually include a high fever, especially if it lasts several days. Pay attention to your child's breathing patterns. If the child is breathing rapidly or shows difficulty breathing, that is a cause for alarm. After all, your child may have a chronic lung infection, or the flu may have turned into pneumonia. They may also start vomiting and have diarrhea and loss of appetite.

Check the skin for a rash. Your normally active child may not feel like playing and may be extremely lethargic and irritable. Note skin discoloration as they may turn pale or, in the worst cases, bluish, especially if they are suffocating.

How Doctors Can Help

Child and Adolescent Clinic pediatricians will care for your child during wellness and sick child visits. They will check vital signs and check for signs of serious infection. They may have to give your child antibiotics to fight off lingering infections.

When you suspect your child has an acute illness in Vancouver, WA, and Longview, WA, it is time to visit Child and Adolescent Clinic pediatricians. To get help, call the Longview, WA, location at 360-577-1771, and the Vancouver, WA, location at 360-254-7750.